Friday, April 18, 2014

People throw rocks at things that Shine.....

Have you ever been told you aren't good enough? That you lack the talent? That you don't have that "it" factor? That you are worthless? You'll never amount to anything? You're not pretty enough? You're too fat? You're too skinny? You're legs are too short? You're nose is too big?

Have you ever told someone you 'trusted'- "I think I'm going to________."

 Whatever that blank is it's generally something out of the norm. You know, like NOT go off to college, NOT get married and starting a family or because you march to the beat of your own drum, you decide to pursue something completely unconventional and socially SHOCKING.

The response you receive is one of judgment, disappointment, negativity sprinkled with a little bit of disgust and the conclusion that you have completely lost your mind.

Surprisingly, I have found that those responses are not a reflection of yourself, but a reflection of the person(s) jealously. In the past, I always thought it was me. I was making a bad decision or that I was crazy for having thoughts that went against the social grain. In actuality it's jealously for not having the courage themselves to color outside of the lines in life. They are stuck in their cookie cutter lives and long for fulfillment and an awakening from their seemingly unconsciousness.

Ignore the jealously and the ignorance of others. Don't let others talk you out of your dreams, personal goals that you have set for yourself. Don't listen to them. Go full speed ahead and follow your dreams. Believe in yourself!

Remember, People throw rocks at things that Shine...

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