Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It's not Life Changing if you don't take action...

I know a lot of people that are looking for that "something", that life changing experience.

However, we as people, seem unusually comfortable in our uncomfortableness. We settle and fear change. Fearing change doesn't mean that we don't dream of bigger and better things in life, but we are afraid to take the actions needed to actually make change happen.

Why do we fear change? It's simple. It's the fear of the unknown and it's very easy to talk ourselves out of just about anything. We tell ourselves that we are being "rational" about it.

'Who is going to look after the dog and the cat?' 'I can't take that much vacation time!'
'What will my parents think of me? This isn't what they envisioned for me when they paid for my college.' 'I just don't have the time right now.' 'It seems like a hassle.'
'No one will take me serious, so why should I bother?!' 'I'm too old to chase this dream.'

There are millions of reason why can't/won't. Those reasons, excuses actually, are a dime a dozen. But, what if you dare to actually take action, throw your caution to the wind, and took the first step to fulfilling your Dreams/Destiny/Your Personal Legend? Who is really standing in your way?

The answer: YOU!  You are the only person standing in the way of your own Dreams/Destiny/Your Personal Legend.

Your path is written, but it's up to you to make it happen. Listen to your inner voice. Some call it God, Intuition, some call it Omens, signs. What ever it is you call it, listen. When you listen and take actions, you will find your heart filled with pure joy and happiness. That's when you know that you are on the right path. So Listen! It's trying to guide you to your Dreams/Destiny/Your Personal Legend.

Most of all, Take Action. Because, it's not life changing if you don't take action.

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