I've been having on going conversations with co-workers of mine, about our constant "unhappiness" at work and the struggles balancing work, home, husband (s)/Boyfriend (s) and children.
Here are some questions/topics that constantly come up in our conversations:
I think I'm going to chop off my hair.
I have nothing to wear, I need a new wardrobe.
I think I need to start wearing more makeup.
I hate this part of my job.
I didn't see that coming.
Did you see that coming?
What are your plans this weekend?
How was your weekend?
What's for lunch?
Wanna grab lunch together?
I hate laundry. I can't seem to keep up.
I need a maid, I don't have enough hours during the day.
I think I might go to the dog park after work.
It's beautiful outside, I wish I wasn't stuck in the office.
I didn't miss having my period when I was pregnant. Urge, I hate the way it makes me feel.
Anyone have a tampon?
I didn't want to come in this morning. I wanted to call in sick, but we only have one sick day.
Any vacation plans this year?
I can't believe there is still so much month left after each payday.
I'm thinking of looking for another job, I need flexibility.
What's up with that guy in Accounting, there is something wrong with him?
Yes!!! The Big Cheese isn't in today.
I haven't been sleeping well.
I think we might start trying for a baby in about six months.
Don't have a baby till you buy a house.
I'm going to kill my boyfriends dogs, they kept me up all night.
What do men have to be so difficult?
Does he really not know how to load a dishwasher?
I need a gun!
Someone shoot me....
This day is the L-O-N-G-E-S-T DAY E-V-E-R!
Is it 4:30pm yet?
Is it Friday yet?
I've found, regardless of what the questions/problems are... Chocolate is always the answer.
I prefer wine, but definitely agree with those conversations!