Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Success lies beyond your comfort zone....

My mother tells me to practice what I preach. So, I will be the first to admit, I get stuck in my comfort zone. You know, that place where we sit and complain how lives sucks, we are broke all the time, I want to find true love or I wish I had my dream job. It's the idea we have in our heads of what life would be like 'if only', but we are too comfortably miserable to actually do anything about it.

I am a walking contradiction. For example; I am a very social person. I can talk to strangers standing in line at a grocery store or in an elevator complimenting some lady on her shoes. I'm out going, and I consider myself a people person.

What I can't do is promote myself.

I have a Real Estate License, when chatting people up I can't find it in myself to insert the fact that I have a Real Estate License. Why is that? You would think a social creature such as myself would find no shame in broadcasting that with a firm handshake introduction and a passing of my business card. I mean, that's how you get leads, make connections. I would rather anonymously have a random conversation and if Real Estate came up, I would recommend my friend. I'm sure you are shaking your head right about now (no worries, so am I) and asking "Why?" - while scrunching your nose and making your eyebrows frown and creating wrinkles on your forehead.

I'm comfortably miserable in my comfort zone.

The truth is, it feels awkward and unnatural to me to promote myself. It's not like I'm selling my body and chatting up a stranger on a street corner, offering up my body for a cheap roll in the hay. - Is the term Roll in the hay still used? Huh... anyway...

I know I am not alone in feeling this way. At least I think I'm not, because if I'm alone in this I deserve a freaking AWARD!!!

I'm realizing more and more that there is no such thing as failure. The only failure is in not trying. So what if you hand someone your business card and they make a face and say something dismissive; "No thanks. I'm not interested" or "I don't need a Real Estate Agent.". Whatever the response is, it's irrelevant. What's relevant is that you made and effort and you put yourself out there.
If you try, really try, you know like handing someone your business card and offering your talents/services, then you are NOT failing!

I don't want to lie on my deathbed riddled with regrets of all the times I could have and should have, because I was too scared and of all of the  missed opportunities I just let slide by.

So, I'm going to take my own advice and practice what I preach and make the effort to try harder and harder everyday.

Because Success lies beyond your comfort zone.....

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