Thursday, May 22, 2014

If only.....

I am sure you all know the expression “trust your gut”. In other words, trust that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when it comes to making decisions. That feeling that you know is right but sometimes when your heart is telling you one thing and your “gut” is telling you another, it's hard to always go with what is right rather than what is easy. However, that feeling I get in my “gut” is usually hunger or indigestion so I have never really understood the true meaning of “trusting your gut” before I had some important real-life decisions to make.

When it comes to relationships, it is your heart that is doing most of the talking and that poor little gut of yours always takes the back seat. I always thought there was only one way to decide anything when it comes to love and that is to follow your heart – as they tell you in most Disney films – but in fact, it was ignoring my heart and led me to make some of the best decisions I have ever made. It was my gut, my little, slightly round, a bit too wobbly gut that made the decision for me and I never looked back.

Every situation is different, we all have different lives, which require different things, and although your decision may be a bit less adventurous than mine, or more adventurous for that matter, it does not make them any less important. Whatever decision you are faced with, listen to your instinct, to your gut, because he is a lot smarter than he looks.
Now if only I could take my own advice.....

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How kids feel about Pizza.....

What would I do for the love of pizza? For the love of pizza, I would do almost anything. Within reason of course.

I would serenade the cheesy, saucy pizza from outside a restaurant with my loud cow-like singing voice. An orchestra would have been better.

I would buy as many pizzas as I could with as many toppings as I like that it would appear I am a hoarder, who is living in my own underground pizza world. I would never go hungry and no one could ever get in! Of course I would end up broke and outside my home with tons of pizza and nowhere to go. Obviously, I did not think this through.

I would roam the entire United States in search for that ultimate pizza and hopefully I did not leave my wallet in another state along the way. No!!!

I would buy a whole pizza for myself and see the hungry, angry, penetrating stares of my family looking back at me as I race out of the room with the cheesy, saucy goodness clutched to my chest. Ow! It burns. It BURNS!

I would prepare a candlelight dinner for two, just me, and the pizza with one topping outside on the deck. People who walk by would look at me as if I am crazy because I am talking to my food mate. Get it? Soul mate, Food mate. Clever huh? They just do not understand our love.

I will not share my pizza. It is mine! Get your own.
This is how kids feel about pizza.....

How many do women actually own????

We all have that moment when we find a bra that we love and want to wear it as often as possible. It makes the girls look perky, alive and saying “hello world!” For less fortunate girls some bras even offer a little size boost or on the other end of the spectrum, strong support and comfort. After some extensive wear, we all have to face that sad, sad moment when our favorite bra dies and we are forced to go bra shopping.

Although finding a new over the shoulder boulder holder or a few new ones is a task, knowledge is key. There are so many questions surrounding bras such as, “do we really know our size?”, and the oh so common “bras, how may do women actually own?” and do not even begin to talk about all the types of bras available. Yes women, we are lost, dazed, and confused. Fortunately, shopping at the right place and knowing what you need can make you and the twins happy. To start, every woman needs to have a bra fitting. Trust me; it will change your life. Chances are you have been wearing the wrong cup and band size for years. As for the number of bras you need, the answer to that is:

- At least three everyday bras
- A minimum of one sports bra
- 2-3 solution bras (strapless, plunge bras, balconettes, etc.)
- 2-3 colorful, fun bras of your choice

As for bra types the important thing to know is find the right one for you. If you need more support try an under wire, looking for something to wear under thin shirts and blouses try a seam free style, and buy a multiway bra to wear to have multiple bras in one.

Overall, finding an over the shoulder boulder holder takes more work than it should but it can be done. All women need a few bras so it is best to know your correct size, choose a style that is right for you, and avoid being left saying,
“How many do women actually own?”

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Where the BLEEP is my coffee?

While waiting at a stop light on my way to work this morning, I noticed a woman in the car next to me brushing her teeth. I cannot say this is something that I have seen before. I started to wonder, are we really that crunched for time that we have to brush our teeth while driving to work?

I started thinking about my own hectic mornings. Every morning is the same. Even if I plan for things to go differently the night before.

The snooze button on the alarm is hit at least three times. Slowly, I drag myself out of bed, make the bed, and head up stairs. I let the dogs out, feed the cats, wake the kids, let the dogs in, wake the kids again, turn on the news, wake the kids again, fold some laundry, wake the kids again, lay out my lunch so I won't forget it, remind the kids to eat breakfast and to brush their teeth...all this before coffee.

After my shower, my Little Rikki always feels the need to lick my legs, because it seems that I have missed that particular spot in the shower. After drying and styling my hair, doing my makeup and brushing my teeth IN THE SINK, I stand in my closet saying, "I have NOTHING to wear, URG!" I do this EVERY morning.

I vow that I will buy a new outfit with each check to replenish my wardrobe, but that never really happens. After finally deciding what to wear for the day and I check the time and FREAK OUT... I am late... I yell at the kids "It's time to go, hurry we are late!" Once in the car, always one kid that forgets something and has to run back inside.

After dropping the kids off at school, I rush to work, weaving through traffic trying not to hit all the red lights. While stopped, is when I notice other rushed and stressed out people in the mornings. Brushing their teeth, putting on makeup, combing their hair and I have even seen men shave in the car. I wonder have they had their coffee yet.

By the time I get to work, I am exhausted.

I am sure there some that would suggest going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. That is easier said than done. By the time I get home, most evenings are filled with cooking dinner, homework, making the kids shower, laundry and of course my pups. Before I know it, it is 10PM and I am rushing the kids to bed. There is zero time to relax I am always rushing.  

So in the meantime, where the BLEEP is my coffee?


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Success lies beyond your comfort zone....

My mother tells me to practice what I preach. So, I will be the first to admit, I get stuck in my comfort zone. You know, that place where we sit and complain how lives sucks, we are broke all the time, I want to find true love or I wish I had my dream job. It's the idea we have in our heads of what life would be like 'if only', but we are too comfortably miserable to actually do anything about it.

I am a walking contradiction. For example; I am a very social person. I can talk to strangers standing in line at a grocery store or in an elevator complimenting some lady on her shoes. I'm out going, and I consider myself a people person.

What I can't do is promote myself.

I have a Real Estate License, when chatting people up I can't find it in myself to insert the fact that I have a Real Estate License. Why is that? You would think a social creature such as myself would find no shame in broadcasting that with a firm handshake introduction and a passing of my business card. I mean, that's how you get leads, make connections. I would rather anonymously have a random conversation and if Real Estate came up, I would recommend my friend. I'm sure you are shaking your head right about now (no worries, so am I) and asking "Why?" - while scrunching your nose and making your eyebrows frown and creating wrinkles on your forehead.

I'm comfortably miserable in my comfort zone.

The truth is, it feels awkward and unnatural to me to promote myself. It's not like I'm selling my body and chatting up a stranger on a street corner, offering up my body for a cheap roll in the hay. - Is the term Roll in the hay still used? Huh... anyway...

I know I am not alone in feeling this way. At least I think I'm not, because if I'm alone in this I deserve a freaking AWARD!!!

I'm realizing more and more that there is no such thing as failure. The only failure is in not trying. So what if you hand someone your business card and they make a face and say something dismissive; "No thanks. I'm not interested" or "I don't need a Real Estate Agent.". Whatever the response is, it's irrelevant. What's relevant is that you made and effort and you put yourself out there.
If you try, really try, you know like handing someone your business card and offering your talents/services, then you are NOT failing!

I don't want to lie on my deathbed riddled with regrets of all the times I could have and should have, because I was too scared and of all of the  missed opportunities I just let slide by.

So, I'm going to take my own advice and practice what I preach and make the effort to try harder and harder everyday.

Because Success lies beyond your comfort zone.....

Friday, May 2, 2014

Everyboy's working for the weekend.......

HA! After reading this headline you now have the 1986 Loverboy song playing over and over in your head.

It's true really, we all seem to work for the weekend. Every Monday morning we drag ourselves back to work dreading the week ahead. Counting the days and sometimes the hours. From one day to the next we proclaim it's "THE LONGEST DAY E-V-E-R!!" 

But is it really, the longest day ever? Consider this: The average person starts working at the age of 21 and retires around the age of 67. Well, there are typically 40 hours in a work week, times x 52 weeks in a fiscal year, that's 2080 average hours per full time work year. That does NOT include any overtime hours spent on the job.
Now times 2080 x 48 working years = 99,840.00 hours of work. Now THAT'S a long freaking time!
Mind you, those are just the hours spend at work: aka full time job. 

I haven't even started the breakdown of the job/responsibilities we have at home with family and children. The countless hours spent doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, homework with your children and so on. No wonder we are exhausted. Who has time for anything fun? If you think about it, we spend more time at work with our colleagues then we do with our families. Sad really.

The weekend is the only reprieve we have from the daily grind. Two whole days where you aren't required to shower, get dressed or even get out of bed for the matter. You can just be, slobby self. 
It's the only time where we spend time with family and friends, if we so choose, and drink a little too much. The weekend is the release of all the pent up stresses and anxieties from the week just past.

This is why everybody's working for the weekend......