Monday, September 29, 2014

March to the beat of your own drum.....

If you compromise your desires, you will compromise your strength. – Tama Kieves

That is a powerful statement. A statement that spoke to me in a very deep and profound way. All too often we listen to the people closest to us, parents, teachers, friends and loved ones,  to take the safe path in life. To always “do the right thing”; take the rational, safe, predicable, and practical path.

Being rational, safe, predicable, and practical is not always the true reality of you and your soul’s desire; it can actually hold you back from doing what you are put on this earth  to do. There are times when rational, safe, predicable, and practical can smother your dreams to death.

Did Steve Job, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg take the rational, safe, predicable, and practical path? No, they marched to the beat of their own drums and followed their desires without looking back. They believed deep within themselves what they were doing was the work they were meant to do.

Sometimes it’s thought, ‘I don’t have an office, I don’t have the right credentials on my resume`’ Maybe you aren’t sure what exactly you are meant to do in life, but you know for certain what you are doing now isn’t’ it. Waiting to achieve the ‘office and or credentials’ or waiting to the perfect time to get started. News Flash- it is never a perfect time. Procrastination is just another form of fear and excuses. You feel that restlessness, almost like a gravitational pull away from what you are currently doing. As long as you continue to wait for the perfect time and procrastinate, you will continue to feel this restlessness. I believe this restlessness is your soul speaking to you, whispering and beckoning you to wake up.

Believe it, feel it and it will manifest into reality.


Now- pass me the Bongos... I have some marching to do.


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