Friday, July 11, 2014

Parent from a place of love not hate....

Divorce is never pleasant or easy, especially if there are children involved. Far too often parents make the mistake of fighting and name-calling in front of child/children and try to manipulate them to choose a ‘side’.  This ALWAYS backfires.

When I decided to leave my marriage, it took almost three years for my divorce to be officially final. I the beginning, we were peaceful and then things turned and we each fought tooth and nail for custody of our son. After a long year custody battle, I was rewarded primary custody, the official divorce shortly followed.

Once the dust settled, my ex and I talked for a very long time and agreed that we both never doubted the love for our son. We both agreed to actively co-parent our son. We created him from a place of love; we should continue to parent him from the same place and mutual respect.

Shortly after our divorce, my ex remarried. I know many women who HATE the new wife and label her as the evil stepparent. However, I have always encouraged my son to be nice to his father’s new wife. She is kind to my son and honestly, I could not wish for a better bonus mom for him. No one could ever replace me, but I am comforted that there is a woman who loves him and cares for him in my absence.

For our son, divorce has been good for him and us combined. We were not able to give our son what he needed and desired together. However, we are now able to give him more than he could ever ask for. We are separate but working together. I can tell you it shows in our son. He is the kindest and purest human being on the planet.

I wish all divorced parents could put their differences aside and choose to raise their children ‘together’. I also wish parent stop refusing the other parents parenting time. Children need their mom and dad. If you are a single mother and you are lucky enough to have an ex that wants to lead and active life in your child’s life, let him. There are far too many deadbeats out there.

When my son is with his father during his parenting time, I enjoy it. I get to have some “me” time and my son gets to have his “Daddy time”.

Personally, I think our son is the luckiest kid around. He has the best of both worlds and he knows that without a doubt he can trust both of his parents.

Parent from a place of love not hate....

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fly higher...

Many ancient cultures have had conceptions that the Earth was flat. An archaic belief that the Earth’s shape is a plane or a disk. In ancient time’s people could not fly high enough to see the curvature of the Earth and know that it is in fact round. Much like our lives really, we are stuck in a rut. We think our lives are flat and boring and cannot seem to get a grip of what we really should be doing with our lives.

A few lucky people were born with an internal knowledge of what their lives purpose is, and go after it with full force and never doubting. Most of us, well people like me, have not been blessed with he knowledge of our life’s purpose.
We cannot seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe we need to fly higher to see the curvature of change ahead. This got me thinking... just because we are not where we thought we would be life, living out our dream career; why not it fake until you make it.

I want to be a writer. Currently, I am not a legitimate writer. I have no formal training, other than this blog and maybe a few others I do not have anything published to legitimize myself with a title of WRITER!

However, that does not stop me of dreaming, flying a little higher, and telling myself that I am indeed a writer. By changing my state of consciousness and shifting my thought process, I am one-step closer of being a writer. I have the power to change my own reality. The key is to truly believe it.

You too, have this same power. Let go of all the negativity that fills your head and the excuses of why you are not able to do what it is you want to pursue in life. Remember this, Dreams are realized in a world without excises. Start living, dreaming, and creating your own reality that YOU want to live and stop excusing your life and dreams away.

 Change your state of consciousness, believe and fly higher.